NM #342
Sponge encrusting to 3 mm thick, irregularly shaped approximately 10 cm diameter. Surface rough, uneven, very porous. Oscula scattered over the surface, approximately 0.5 mm diameter. Sponge body with numerous openings of irregular shape and diameter that do not extend to the base of the sponge. Colour in life off white. Consistency compressible, easily torn. Base next to the substrate is more compact.
Skeleton: Choanosome: open vague reticulation of single to two or three spicules on a side. Sigmas spread throughout.
Oxeas showing shape variability; oxea on the right is less common.
Spicules: Oxeas, gently curved or straight, moderately long points; some juveniles slightly shorter and thinner than mature oxeas. Sigmas: C-shaped, not contort or only slightly so.
(common name)
Haliclona (Gellius) species D
Class Demospongiae
Order Haplosclerida
Family Chalinidae
Specimen Identification: Bruce Ott
Habitat: Shallow subtidal
Collected by: Neil McDaniel
Collection Date: 2016-08-12
Location collected: Croker Island, Indian Arm, British Columbia, Canada
Photographer: Neil McDaniel
Depth: 15 m
Latitude: 49⁰ 25.778’N
Longitude: 122⁰ 51.766’W
Photo ID: NM #342
Deposition: Royal BC Museum #
Remarks: This specimen is similar to NM #341 that I identified as Haliclona (Gellius) sp. D. Most oxeas are less sharply pointed but of the same length and size ranges. The sponge body is more easily torn and less compact than NM 341, the surface is rougher and slightly more open, and the colour is slightly greenish, possibly due to the alga it appears to be growing around.