Updated section of
NE Pacific Invert. Species List
Sponges of the cold temperate NE Pacific
Bill Austin1, Bruce Ott2, Neil McDaniel3 and Paula Romagosa4
1. Marine Ecology Centre & Khoyatan Marine Laboratory; 2. Khoyatan Marine Laboratory; 3. McDaniel Photography, Vancouver, BC; 4. Marine Ecology Centre.
Khoyatan Marine Laboratory houses a moderately large collection of NE Pacific Sponges which have been worked on by Bill Austin and Bruce Ott. A list of 260 species from central California to southern Alaska is recorded by Austin (1985). Austin and Ott provided a key to 130 species known from British Columbia and Washington (Kozloff, 1987).
This annotated list of approximately 290 species is an update of the 1985 list noted above. The 142 highlighted species names include photos of specimens and 90 species names flagged by SEM have scanning electromicrographs of skeletal spicules. These can serve as a pictorial supplement to existing descriptions and keys. The list includes some undescribed species (unnamed) but is not intended as a medium for formal species descriptions. Scanning electron micrographs were taken by Bill Austin at Simon Fraser University and at the University of Victoria, while underwater photographs were largely taken by Neil McDaniel (McDaniel Photography, Vancouver, BC).
Curt Smecher has produced a list of BC sponges with a synopsis of systematic characters and distribution www.interchg.ubc.ca/csmecher on his web site. Welton Lee, David Elvin and Henry Reiswig have produced a major guide to the sponges of California. We hope that, ultimately, a revised list will incorporate the work of all spongologists along the NE Pacific coast. Please note that the list at this time is a draft copy subject to updates and corrections.
Many people helped in field surveys and collection including: Myriam Preker (Bamfield Marine Station), Mike LeBlanc & Ray Anderson (Univ. British Columbia), Jeff Marliave (Vancouver Public Aquarium), Verena Tunnicliffe (Univ. Victoria), Kim Conway & J Vaughn Barrie (Pacific Geoscience Centre), Henry Reiswig (McGill Univ.), Welton Lee (California Acad. Sciences), Bjørn Gulliksen (Univ. Tromsø), and Manfred Krautter (Univ. Stuttgart). Jeff Goddard (Univ. Cal, Santa Barbara, and Jerry Backus (Univ. Southern California) who provided some updates on his collections in the Puget Sound region in the 1960s.
Support on scanning electron microscopes was provided by Mary Lou Malott, Vic Bourne (Simon Fraser Univ.) and Jack Dietrich (Univ. Victoria)Photos other than those of the authors were provided by Rick Harbo (Fisheries & Oceans, Canada), Brent Cooke and Phil Lambert (BC Provincial Museum), Ron Long (Simon Fraser Univ.) and Bernard Hanby. Access to Museum material was provided by Kelly Sendall (BC Provincial Museum), Frank Bernard (Pacific Biological Station), Ralph Brinkhurst & Doug Moore (Institute of Ocean Sciences), and Rob Van Syoc (California Academy of Sciences). Production of this list for our web site and on CDs was performed by Greg Bate (Live PC), Laura Robson, Jackie Hendrix, Kim Kyba, Eve Robinson, John Austin (NuDeal.com) and Paula Romagosa.
Selected references
Austin, WC. 1985. An annotated checklist of marine invertebrates in the cold temperate northeast Pacific. Khoyatan, Cowichan Bay, B.C. 642p. [sponges pp. 21-42]
Boury-Esnault, N. and K. Rützler eds. (1997). Thesaurus of sponge morphology. Smithsonian Contrib. to Zool. 596. 55p.
Hooper, J. & RWM. Van Soest. 2002. Systema Porifera. A Guide to the Classification of Sponges. Kluwer Academic/Plenum. New York. 2 vol. 1708, xlviii pp.
Kozloff, E. 1987. Marine invertebrates of the Pacific Northwest. University of Washington Press, Seattle, WA. 511p. [sponges by Austin and Ott pp. 6-31 plus p. 487 in 1996 paperback edition].
Lamb, A & WP. Hanby. 2005. Marine Life of the Pacific Northwest. Harbour Publ., Madiera Park, BC. 398p.
[Sponges pp. 60-80].
Lee, WL, DW. Elvin, & Henry Reiswig. (in press Fall 2006). The Sponges of California. A Guide and Key to the Marine Sponges of California. Vermont Information Systems. Shelburne, VT
Morris, RH, DP. Abbott, & E.C. Haderlie. 1980. Intertidal invertebrates of California. Stanford Univ. Press., Stanford, CA. 690p. [sponges by Bakus & Abbott pp. 21-39].
Smith, RI. & JT. Carlton (eds.). 1975. Light's manual: intertidal invertebrates of the central California Coast. Univ. California Press, Berkeley, CA 717p. [sponges by Hartman pp. 32-64]
*** Images and links will be active soon.***
Code to images: blue = hyperlink to photo(s) of whole animal;
[SEM] = 1+ scanning electron images of spicules.
Abbreviations: Alask=Alaska, Aleut=Aleutians, Aleut=Aleutians, Arc=Arctic, Atl=Atlantic BC=British Columbia, BerS=Bering Sea, Cosmo=Cosmopolitan, Ind=Indian Ocean, N,C,S Cal=North, Central, Southern California, Oreg=Oregon, Pac=Pacific Ocean, Wash=Washington
Littoral=Intertidal, Shallow= less than 200 m deep, Deep=more than 200 m deep;
*xxx * denotes a locality for new records.
aff = close to; cf = compare with
Families and genera are alphabetically ordered.
Family Hyalonematidae
Hyalonema ovuliferum Schulze 1899
South Alaska; deep
Hyalonema populiferum Schulze 1899 [SEM]
BC, Southern California; deep *West of Skidegate Inlet, BC: WCA
Family Pheronematidae
Poliopogon mendocino Reiswig 1999
NCal; deep
Family Monoraphididae
Family Fieldingidae
Order LYSSACINOSIDA [Lyssacinosa]
Family Euplectellidae
Holascus undulatus Schulze 1899
NW Pacific, S Alaska; deep
Nubicaulus careyi Reiswig 1999
N Cal.; deep
Family Leucopsacasidae [Placopegmatidae]
Leucopsacus scoliodocus Ijima 1903
BC, W Pacific, N Atlantic *Jervis Inlet, BC: H. Reiswig
Placopegma species? Schulze 1899
Washington; deep
Family Rossellidae [Lanuginellidae, in part]
Acanthascus new species
BC-Washington; shallow N to Burke Channel, BC: WCA
Acanthascus cf. platei Schulze 1899
BC, S California; shallow; *Mittlenatch I, BC: WCA
Aulosaccus ijimae (Schulze 1899)
S Alaska; deep; [Calycosaccus]
Bathydoris cf. echinatus
Wash, deep *Axial Seamount, Juan de Fuca Ridge: WCA
Caulophacus species
Oreg-Wash; deep
Rhabdocalyptus asper Schulze 1899
Oregon, S California; deep *off Oregon:WCA [Acanthascus]
Rhabdocalyptus dawsoni (Lambe 1893) [SEM]
Alaska-S California; shallow; [Bathydorus, Acanthascus]
Rhabdocalyptus mirabilis Schulze 1899
Alaska; deep [Acanthascus]
Rhabdocalyptus tenuis Schulze 1899
Wash; deep; [Acanthosaccus, Acanthascus]
Staurocalyptus dowlingi (Lambe 1894) [SEM]
Alaska-S California; shallow; [Rhabdocalyptus, Acanthascus]
Staurocalyptus fasciculatus Schulze 1899
Washington; deep; *Cobb Seamount, Washington: WCA [Acanthascus]
Staurocalyptus solidus Schulze 1899
BC-S California; deep; *off Dixon Entrance, BC: WCA [Acanthascus]
Staurocalyptus species cf. roeperi Schulze 1886
Washington; deep; *Juan de Fuca Ridge, Washington: WCA/H. Reiswig [Acanthascus]
Order HEXACTINOSIDA [Hexactinosa]
Family Aphrocallistidae
Aphrocallistes vastus Schulze 1887 [SEM]
NW Pacific-Bering Sea-Alaska-Mexico; shallow; [A. whiteavesianus Lamb 1893]
Heterochone calyx (Schulze 1887) [SEM]
Japan-Bering Sea-Alaska-S California; shallow; [Chonelasma]
Heterochone tenerum (Schulze 1887)
Bering Sea, S California; shallow; [Heterochone]
Family Craticulariiidae
Family Cribrospongiidae
Family Dactylocalycidae
Family Euretidae [Coscinosporidae; Chonelasmidae]
Lefroyella species?
BC; deep: *Explorer Ridge, BC: WCA
Family Farreidae
Farrea aculeata Schulze 1899
Washington; deep
Farrea occa Bowerbank 1862
BC; “Cosmopolitan in deep water”; *Explorer Seamount, BC:WCA
Family Tretodictyidae
Family Aulocalycidae
Family Uncinateridae
Order LYCHNISCOSIDA (Lychiniscosa; Dictyonina, part)
Family Aulocystidae (Diapleuridae)
Family Clathrinidae
Clathrina cf. coriacea (Montague 1818)
BC, SCal,; shallow *Portland Inlet, BC : WCA*
Clathrina species of Hartman 1975
BC,CCal; Littoral; *Barkley Sound, BC:WCA*
*Guancha cf. blanca Miklucho-Maclay 1868
BC, SCal, *Portland Canal, BC:WCA
Family Leucaltidae
Family Leucascidae
Family Leucettidae
Family Levinellidae
Family Soleneiscidae
Family Lelapiellidae
Family Murrayonidae
Family Paramurrayonidae
Family Achramorphidae
Family Amphoriscidae
Leucilla nuttingi (Urban 1902)
Aleut-CCal; BajaCal?; littoral; (Rhabdodermella); Amchitka, Alask:BO
Family Grantiidae
Grantia comoxensis (Lambe 1895)
BC; shallow; [known only from holotype]
Grantia species aff. compressa (Fabricius 1780) [SEM]
BC,CCalifornia; littoral; ”Execution Rock Cave, BC:WCA"
Leucandra apicalis Urban 1905
S-C California; littoral; [Leuconia]
Leucandra heathi Urban 1905
Aleutians-S California; littoral ; [Leuconia]; *Steep I, BC:WCA*
Leucandra new species cf. levis (Polejaef 1884)
BC; shallow; "Fitz Hugh Sound, BC:WCA"
Leucandra pyriformis Lambe 1904
Aleutians-BC, Japan; shallow; [Leuconia]
Leucandra taylori Lambe 1900 [SEM]
Aleutians-BC; littoral ; [Leuconia]
Sycandra species cf. utriculus (Schmidt 1870)
BC; shallow; *Goose I., BC:WCA
Family Heteropiidae
Heteropia species cf. striata Hozawa 1916
BC; deep; *Dixon Entrance, BC:WCA
Family Leucosolenidae
Leucosolenia species cf. convalaria (Haeckel 1872)
BC; shallow; *Jervis Inlet, BL-:WCA*
Leucosolenia species cf. kagoshimensis (Hozawa 1929)
BC; deep; *Endeavor Ridge, BC, 2400m:WCA*
Leucosolenia eleanor Urban 1905
Aleut-SCal; littoral; [L. botyryoides of Burton 1963]
Leucosolenia species cf. lucasi Dendy 1891
BC; shallow; *Viner Pt, Rei d I, BC:WCA*
Leucosolenia nautilia de Laubenfels 1930
BC-SCal; littoral; [L. botryoides of Burton, 1963] *Bamfield, BC:WCA*
Family Staurorrhaphidae
Family Scycanthidae
Scycantha new species
BC, Washington?; littoral; [=? Scypha raphanus of de Laubenfels 1961; Tenthrenodes]; *Execution Rock Cave, BC:WCA
Family Sycettidae
Sycon coactum Urban 1905
CCal; littoral: [Scypha coacta]
Sycon compactum Lambe 1893
Aleutians-BC, Japan; shallow; [Scypha compacta]
Sycon mundulum Lambe 1893
BC,Japan,NWAtlantic; shallow; [Scypha mundula]; *Jervis Inlet,
Sycon protectum Lambe 1896
BC,NW Atlantic; littoral; [Scypha protecta]
Family Lelapiidae
Family Minchinellidae
Family Petrobionidae
Family Baeriidae
Leucopsila species cf. stylifera (Schmidt 1870) [SEM]
Aleutians,BC; shallow; *Dixon Entrance, BC:WCA
Family Lepidoleuconidae
Family Trichogypsiidae
Family Oscarellidae [in Plakinidae by some]
Oscarella carmela Muricy & Pearse 2004
CCal, NCal, BC in Vancouver Aquarium Science Centre
Family Plakinidae [Halinidae; incl. Corticiidae]
Plakina atka Lehnert, Stone & Heimler 2005 [SEM]
Aleut‑BC; shallow; *Jervis Inlet, BC:WCA*
Plakina species cf. brachylopha Topsent 1928
BC; shallow; *Portland Canal, BC, 200m:WCA*
Plakina monolopha Schulze 1880
BC; shallow; *Endeavor Ridge, BC, 2400m:WCA*
Plakina species cf. trilopha Schulze 1880
*Saanich Inlet, BC 90m: WCA
?Plakinastrella new species
SA1ask; littoral; *Windfall I., Alaska:WCA*
Family Ancorinidae (Stellettidae) (incl. Coppatiidae in part)
Penares cortius de Laubenfels 1930 [SEM]
SAlask‑BC‑SCal, Baja?, Jap; littoral
Penares saccharis (de Laubenfels 1930)
CCal; littoral (may = Penares cortius)
Stelletta clarella de Laubenfels 1930 [SEM]
SAlask-BC‑Mex, Chile; littoral; *Dixon I, BC:WCA* (=Stelletta estrella de Laubenfels 1930)
Stelletta validissima Thiele 1898
Jap‑BerS, BC; shallow
Stelletta species cf. normani (Sollas 1880)
BC; shallow; *Kitasu Bay, BC:WCA/BO (Dragmastra)
Family Calthropellidae
Family Geodiidae
Geodia mesotriaena Lendenfeld 1910 [SEM]
SAlask‑SCal; shallow; [G. agassizi] Lendenfeld 1910; G. breviana
Lendenfeld 1910; Cydonium muelleri of Lambe 1893, non G. mesotriaena
Hentschel 1929; non? littoral Geodia in SCal
Geodinella robusta Lendenfeld 1910 [SEM]
Jap‑Aleut‑BC‑SCal; shallow (Geodia per Systema p. 138, Sidonops per
Systema p. 141)
Sidonops angulata Lendenfeld 1910
C‑SCal; shallow; [=? S. bicolor Lendenfeld 1910; Geodia?]
Family Pachastrellidae [Astrostreptidae; incl. Theneidae]
Poecillastra japonica (Thiele 1898) [SEM]
NWPac‑BerS‑BC,NAtl; shallow; [P. compressa japonica OF Koltun;
Poecillastra tenuilaminaris (Sollas 1886)
Japan, BC; C-SCal shallow; *off Barkley Sound, BD:WCA* [Poecillastra rickettsi de Laubenfels 1930] [might be placed in Volcanella based on presence of cribriporal oscula surrounded by palisade of oxea in some specimens]
Family Thrombidae
Family Tetillidae [incl. Craniellidae]
Craniella arb (de Laubenfels 1930) [SEM]
CCal‑BajaCal; littoral [Tetilla]; probably = C. villosa:WCA/BO
Craniella spinosa Lambe 1894 [SEM]
Aleut‑BC; shallow; [Tetilla]
Craniella villosa Lambe 1894 [SEM]
Aleut‑BC; littoral
Tetilla species A of Hartman 1975
CCal; littoral
Tetilla sp. B of Hartman 1975
CCal; littoral
Family Samidae
Family Scleritodermidae
Family Spirasigmidae
“Order LITHISTIDA” [DESMOPHORIDA] [problematic Order as likely polyphyletic]
Family Azoricidae
Family Corallistidae
Family Desmanthidae
Family Isoraphiniidae
Family Leiodermatiidae (Azoricidae)
Family Macandrewiidae
Family Neopeltidae (Siphonidiidae)
Family Phymaraphiniidae
Family Phymatellidae
Family Pleromidae
Family Scleritodermidae
Family Siphonidiidae
Family Theonellidae
Family Vetulinidae
Family Acanthochaetetidae
Family Alectonidae
Family Clionaidae [old name Clionidae is syn. with Pteropod family]
Cliona species cf. argus Thiele 1898
BC, Jap; littoral; *Quatsino Sd. BC:WCA/BO*
Cliona. californiana (de Laubenfels 1932)
SAlask‑Baja Cal; littoral [Cliona celata var. californiana de Laubenfels 1932; Pseudosuberites pseudos] Dickinson 1945
Cliona aff. lobata Hancock 1849
BC, CCal. Atl; littoral; *Nootka I, BC:WCA/BO*
Cliona species cf. warreni
BC; littoral; *Gibralter I. Barkley Sd, BC:WCA/BO*
Cliona species of Hartman 1975
CCal ; littoral
Family Hemiasterallidae
Family Polymastiidae
Polymastia kurilensis Koltun 1962 [SEM]
Jap‑BerS‑SAlask; shallow
Polymastia pacifica Lambe 1894 [SEM]
Aleut‑BC; shallow; *Jervis Inlet, BC:WCA/BO*
Polymastia pachymastia de Laubenfels 1932
Aleut‑CCal; littoral;
Polymastia sol (Schmidt 1910) pacifica Koltun 1970
SAlask, Wash; deep; *Endeavor Ridge, Wash:WCA/BO*
Polymastia species B (aff. mamillaris (Muller 1806))
BC; deep; *Observatory Inlet, BC:WCA/BO*
Sphaerotylus species aff. sceptrum Koltun 1970
Wash; deep; *Endeavor Ridge, Wash, 2500m:WCA/BO*
Weberella new species cf. bursa
BC; shallow; *Stubbs I, BC:WCA/BO*
Family Spirastrellidae [Choanitidae]
Spheciospongia confoederata de Laubenfels 1930
CCal‑BajaCal; littoral
Family Stylocordylidae [Podospongiidael
Family Placospongiidae
Family Sollasellidae
Family Suberitidae
Aaptos species
*S. of Fleming I., BC; 63m:WCA
Plicatellopsis amphispicula (de Laubenfels 1961) [SEM]
BC‑Wash; shallow; [in Raspailia by some; may include Homaxinella
subdula OF Kultun 1959 in part]; *Graham I, BC:WCA/BO* (transferred
from Syringella based on Porifera Systema 2002 p. 232)
Prosuberites species of Hartman 1975
CCal; littoral
Prosuberites new species
BC; shallow; *Jervis Inlet, BC:WCA/60*
Protosuberites new species
BC; littoral; *Tilly Pt, BC:WCA/BO* (from Laxosuberites which not valid
genus per Porifera Systema 2002 p. 235)
Pseudosuberites carnosus [Johnson 18421 [SEM]
BC,WPac NAtl; shallow; (Suberites); *Horseshoe Bay, BC:WCA/BO*
Pseudosuberites new species
BC; shallow; *Saanich Inlet, BC:WCA/BO*
Rhizaxinella gadus (de Laubenfels 1926)
CCal; shallow; [Suberites]
Suberites domuncula (Olivi 1792) forma latus Lambe 1893 [SEM]
BerS‑Wash; littoral; [Suberites latus Lambe 1893; Choanites suberea var.
lata of de Laubenfels 1961, Suberites ficus of Bakus 1987]
Suberites species to be renamed [SEM]
SAlask‑SCal; littoral; [Suberites montiniger of Lambe 1895; Suberites
ficus of authors in NE Pacific in part:WCA/BO]
Suberites montiniger Carter 1880 [SEM]
NWPac‑BerS‑BC; shallow; [S. concinnus Lambe 1895]
Suberites simplex Lambe 1894
BC; shallow
Suberites suberea (Johnson 1842) latus Lambe 1893 OF deLaubenfels 1932 [SEM]
C‑SCal; shallow; [Suberites ficus of authors in NE Pacific in part]
Family Tethyidae
Tethya californiana (de Laubenfels, 1932) [SEM]
BC‑Gulf Calif, littoral, [T. aurantia of authors in NEP]
Family Timeidae
Family Trachycladidae
Family Chondrosidae
Order VERTICILLITIDA [“Sphinctozoa”]
Family Cryptocoeliidae
Family Agelasidae
Family Astroscleridae
Family Axinellidae
Auletta new species [SEM]
SAlask‑BC; shallow; *Dixon Entrance, BC:WCA/BO*
Axinella species
BC; shallow; *Q. Charlotte Sd., BC:WCA*
Dragmacidon new species
BC; littoral; *Execution Rock, BC:WCA/BO* (Pseudaxinella)
Phakellia species aff. berinqensis (Hentschell 192B)
BC; shallow; *Pine I, BC:WCA/BO*
Family Heteroxyidae (Desmoxyidae)
Halicnemia patera Bowerbank 1864
BC,NAtl; shallow; *Saanich Inlet, BC:WCA*
Higginsia species
BC, CCal; littoral; *Arbutus I, BC:WCA/BO*
Family Dictyonellidae
?Acanthella species cf. cristagilli (Dendy 1924)
Rennell Sd., Queen Charlotte Is., BC; Shallow; MleBlanc
Stylissa stipitata de Laubenfels 1961
SAlask‑BC‑Wash; shallow; *Forester I, Alaska:WCA/BO*
Family Halichondridae
Axinyssa tuscarus (Ristau 1978)
N‑CCal; shallow; [Axinomimus]
Ciocalypta penicillus Bowerbank 1864
BC, Pac, Atl, Ind; shallow; *BC:WCA/BO*
Eumastia sitiens Schmidt 1870
BerS‑BC; shallow; [subgenus of Halichondria per Systema Porifera p. 800; Pellina]
Halichondria bowerbanki Burton 1930
BC‑CCal,NAtl; littoral; (H. panicea of authors in part NEPacl)
*Bamfield, BC:WCA/BO*
Halichondria species aff. fibrosa Fristedt 1887
BC; shallow; *Saanich Inlet, BC:WCA/BO*
Halichondria species cf. genetrix Schmidt 1870
SAlask; littoral; *Windfall 1, Alaska:WCA/BO*
Halichondria lambei Brdnsted 1933
Aleut, BC; deep; *Gordon Channel, BC:WCA/BO*
Halichondria panicea (Pallas 1766) [SEM]
Alask‑Mex, NPac, NAtl; littoral
Halichondria new species? cf. bowerbanki
BC; littoral; *Bamfield, BC:WCA/HMReiswig*
Halichondria new species
BC; littoral; *Bradys Beach, BC:WCA/BO*
Leucophloeus actites Ristau 1978
NCal; littoral [in Ciocalypta per Systema Porifera p. 796]
Leucophloeus new species cf. subacerata (Ridley & Dandy 1886) [SEM]
BC; shallow; *Knight Inlet, BC:WCA/BO* [in Ciocalypta per Systema Porifera
p. 796]
Topsentia disparilis (Lambe 1894)
NWPac‑BerS‑BC; shallow; [from Halichondria:WCA]; *Barkley Sd, BC:WCA/BO*
Family Hymeniacidonidae [included in Halichondridae by Systema Porifera p. 787]
Hymeniacidon aff. perleve Montague 1818
BC, CCal, littoral; *Departure Bay, BC:WCA/BO*
Hymeniacidon sinapium de Laubenfels 1930
C‑BajaCal; littoral;
Hymeniacidon species cf. sinapium OF de Laubenfels 1930 in part
BC; littoral; [similar to form described from southern California)
*Trial Islands, BC:WCA/BO*
Hymeniacidon ungodon de Laubenfels 1932
BC‑CCal; littoral; *Execution Rock, BC:WCA/BO*
Hymeniacidon species cf. Stylotella columella (Bowerbank 1866)
BC; shallow; Jervis Inlet, BC:WCA/BO*
Rhaphoxya species
BC; deep; *Fisher Channel, BC:WCA/BO*
? Spongosorites species cf. annandalei (Ferrer‑Hernandez 1922)
BC; shallow; [Oxeostilon] *Trevor Channel, BC:WCA/BO*
Stylinos new species [SEM]
BC; littoral; *Jervis Inlet, BC:WCA/BO* [Hymeniacidon per Systema Porifera p. 664]
Family Cladorhizidae
Asbestopluma biserialis Ridley & Dendy 1886
BC, BajaCal, SPac; deep; *Explorer Ridge, BC:WCA*
Asbestopluma occidentalis (Lambe 1893) [SEM]
NWPac‑BerS‑BC,SCal; shallow; [Lycopodina; Esperella, A. lycopodium
(Levinsen 1886) OF Koltun in part; A. hadalis Levi 1964]
Asbestopluma species cf. bihamatifera Carter 1876
BC; deep; *Explorer Ridge, BC:WCA*
Asbestopluma species cf. furcata Lundbeck 1905
BC; deep; *Explorer Ridge, BC:WCA*
Family Desmacellidae (Biemnidae, Sigmaxinellidae)
Biemna rhadia de Laubenfels 1930 [SEM]
SAlask‑GulfCal; shallow; *Kodiak Alaska:WCA/BO*
Biemna species cf. megalosigma Hentschel 1912
BC; shallow; *Saanich Inlet, BC:WCA/BO*
Desmacella annexa (Schmidt, 1870)
[Biemna, Tylodesma] Jervis Inlet, BC 384m:WCA
Desmacella austini Lehnert, Conway, Barrie, Krautter 2005.
BC,CCal; deep; [D. vagabunda OF de Laubenfels 1932 non D. vagabundaSchmidt 1870]; *Fitz Hugh Sound, BC:WCA/BO*, shallow
Desmacella species
Anthony I, BC:WCA
Family Esperiopsidae
Esperiopsis species cf. stipula
BC; shallow; *Burke Channel, BC:WCA/BO*
Esperiopsis species cf. villosa (Carter 1874)
BC; deep; *Fisher Channel, BC:WCA/BO*
Family Guitarridae
Guitarra abbotti Lee 1987
CCal, shallow
Family Hamacanthidae
Hamacantha (Vomerula) hyaloderma (de Laubenfels 1932) [SEM]
BC‑CCal; littoral [Zygherpe]
Pozziella species aff. clavisaepta Topsent 1896
Wash; deep; *Endeavor Ridge, Wash, 2500m:WCA*
Family Isodictyidae
Neoesperiopsis digitata (Miklucho‑Maclay 1870) [SEM]
Jap‑BerS‑BC; shallow; [Isodictya per Systema Porifera p. 704; Esperiopsis; Esperiopsis quatsinoensis Lambe 1893; Isodictya quatsinoensis of Hartman 1958 part; Amphilectis]
Neoesperiopsis infundibula Koltun 1956
NWPac‑Alask‑BC; deep [Esperiapsis digitata infundibula Koltun 1956
Isodictya per Systema Porifera p. 704] *Dean Channel, BC:WCA/BD*
Neoesperiopsis rigida (Lambe 1893) [SEM]
SAlask‑BC; littoral; [Isodictya per Systema Porifera p. 704a; Esperiopsis; Isodictya quatsinoensis of Hartman 1958, part]
Neoesperiopsis vancouverensis (Lambe 1892) [SEM]
BC; shallow; [Isodictya per Systema Porifera p. 704; Esperiopsis; Isodictya quatsinoensis of Hartman 1958, part]
Family Mycalidae
Mycale adhaerens (Lambe 1894) [SEM]
BerS‑Wash,NEAtl; littoral; [Esperella]
Mycale bamfieldense Reiswig & Kaiser 1989
BC, littoral (in subgenus Aegograpila per Sytema Porifera p. 679)
Mycale bellabellensis (Lambe 1905) [SEM]
BC‑CCal; shallow; [Esperella]
Mycale hispida (Lambe 1893) [SEM]
NEPac‑Aleut‑Wash; littoral; [Esperella]
Mycale lingua (Bowerbank 1866) [SEM]
Arc‑Aleut‑BC, Atl, Antarc; deep; [Esperella; non Mycale lingua of Bakus 1966 in Wash.]; *Knight Inlet, BC:WCA/BO*
Mycale lobata (Bowerbank 1866) [SEM]
NWPac‑Alask‑BC,Atl; littoral; [Mycalecarmia; Esperella modesta Lambe 1894; Mycale babici of de Laubenfels 1949]; *off Vancouver 1, BC:WCA/BO*
Mycale loveni (Fristedt 1887)
NWPac‑BerS‑BC; deep; [Mycalecarmia; Clathrial]; *Cape St. James, BC:WCA/BO*
Mycale macginitiei de Laubenfels 1930 [SEM]
BC‑CCal, Jap‑Korea; littoral; (Carmia); *Anthony 1. BC:WCA/BO*
Mycale richardsoni Bakus 1966 [SEM]
BC‑Wash; shallow
Mycale toporoki Koltun 1958
Jap, NWPac‑BerS, CCal
Mycale cf toporoki Koltun 1958
BC‑Wash; littoral; [Esperella lingua of Lambe 1894; Mycale lingua of Bakus 1966 in Wash]
Paresperella psila de Laubenfels 1930 [SEM]
BC‑SCal; littoral; [Mycale; Esperella serratohamata of Lambe]; *Long Beach, BC:WCA/BO*
Family Chondropsidae
Psammoclema new species
BC, Littoral (Psammopemma) *Execution Rock Cave, Barkley Sound: WCA/BO
Family Coelosphaeridae
Chaetodoryx new species
BC; shallow; *Bowie Seamount, Wash.:WCA/BO*
Ectyodoryx species
BC; deep; *Fitz Hugh Sd, BC:WCA/BD* [as subgenus of Lissodendoryx per Systema Porifera p. 544]
Forcepia (Forcepia) elvini Lee 2001
CCal, shallow
Forcepia (Forcepia) hartmani Lee 2001 [SEM]
BC, CCal; littoral [Lissodendoryx firma of Hartman 1975 in part; Forcepia sp. of Austin & Ott, 1987]; *Seapool Rocks, BC:WCA/BO*
Forcepia (Forcepia) hymena (de Laubenfels 1930)
CCal; deep [Wilsa]
Inflatella species [SEM]
BC; shallow; *Barkley Sd, BC:WCA/BO*
Jones amaknakensis (Lambe 1895) [SEM]
BerS‑CCal; littoral; [Myxilla; Lissodendoryx noxiosa de Laubenfels 1932; Jones is a synonym of Lyssodendoryx per Systema Porifera p. 540]
Lissodendoryx firma (Lambe 1895) [SEM]
BerS‑CCal; littoral; [Myxilla; Lissodendoryx noxiosa de Laubenfels 1932]
Lissodendoryx kyma de Laubenfels 1930
CCal; deep; [Merriamum]
?Lissodendoryx rex de Laubenfels 1932
CCal; deep
Lissodendoryx new species
BC; littoral; *Bradys Beach, BC:WCA/BO*
Family Crambeidae
Monanchora alaskensis (Lambe 1895) [SEM]
BerS‑BC; littoral; [Chondrocladia, Stelodoryx, non Stelodoryx alaskensis of Koltun1958]; *Pine I. BC:WCA/BO*
Monanchora pulchra (Lambe 1895) [SEM]
NWPac‑Alask; shallow; [Chondrocladia]
Family Crellidae
Crellomima species?
BC; deep; *Fitz Hugh Sd, BC:WCA/BO*
Family Dendoricellidae
Family Hymedesmiidae [including Anchinoidae]
Acanthancora cyanocrypta (de Laubenfels 1930)
BC,C‑SCal; littoral; [Hymenamphiastra; Hymedesmia by some] *Execution Rock Cave, BC:WCA*
Arndtanchora new species [SEM]
BC; shallow [Hymenanchora per Systema Porifera p.606] *Jervis Inlet, BC:WCA/BO*
Hamigera new species [SEM]
BC‑Wash; littoral; [Lissodendoryx aff. kyma of Bakus 1966]; *Observatory Inlet, BC:WCA/80*
Hymedesanisochela rayae Bakus 1966 [SEM]
BC‑CCal; littoral; [in Hymedesmia by some, in Iophon per Systema Porifera
p. 424] *Anthony I, BC:WCA *
Hymedesmia species cf. consanguinea Lundbeck 1910
BC; shallow; *Vananda Cove, BC:WCA/BO*
Hymedesmia species cf. procumbens Lundbeck 1910
BC; shallow; *Soquel Bank, BC:WCA/BO*
Hymedesmia species A of Hartman 1975
BC, CCal; littoral; *Anthony I, BC: WCA
Hymedesmia species B of Hartman 1975
CCal; littoral
Hymedesmia species C of Ott & Austin
BC; shallow; *Vananda Cove, BC:WCA/BO*
Hymedesmia species D of Ott & Austin [SEM]
BC; deep; *Portland Canal, BC:WCA/BO*
Hymedesmia species E of Austin
BC, littoral, *Chad I., BC: WCA [green]
?Kirkpatrickia topsenti (de Laubenfels 1930) [SEM]
BC, CCal‑SCal; littoral; [Tedania; Lissodendoryx; Tedania toxicalis de Laubenfels 1930]: *Anthony I, BC:WCA
Phorbas species aff. behringi (Koltun 1958)
SAlask; shallow; [Lissodendoryx, Merriamum]; *Kodiak I, Alaska:WCA/BO*
Phorbas oxeota (Koltun 1958)
NWPac, BC; shallow; [Lissodendoryx; Merriamum] *Jervis Inlet, BC:WCA/BO*
Phorbas species aff. Lissodendoryx ivanovi (Koltun 1958)
BC; shallow; [Merriamum] *Queen Charlotte Sd, BC:WCA/BO*
Phorbas species
CCal; *CCal:WCA/WLee* [Stylostichon]
Phorbas species
BC; *Cobb Seamount, 290m: WCA
Plocamionida lyoni (Bakus 1966) [SEM]
BC‑Wash, CCal; littoral; [Hymendectyon] *Pt. Lobos, Ca:WCA/WLee*
Podotuberculum hoffmanni Bakus 1966 [SEM]
BC‑Wash; littoral; [Phorbis in Systema Porifera p. 585]*Tasu Inlet, BC:WCA/80*
Stylopus arndti (de Laubenfels 1930) [SEM]
BC, CCal; littoral; [?Astylinifer; subgenus of Hymedesmia per Systema Porifera
p. 582] *Execution Rock, BC:WCA/BO*
Stylopus aff. primitiva (Lundbeck 1910)
BC; shallow; [Hymedesmia primitival]; Howe Sd, BC:WCA/BO*
Family Myxillidae [incl. Acarniidae]
Ectyomyxilla parasitica (Lambe 1893) [SEM]
BC; shallow; [a subgenus of Myxilla per Systema Porifera p. 614; Ectyodoryx; non M. parasitica of de Laubenfels 1932; only known from type]
Hymenanchora species?
BC: shallow; *Burke Channel, BC:WCA/80*
Myxilla agennes deLaubenfels 1930
Myxilla behringensis Lambe 1895
SAlask-BC; littoral
Myxilla incrustans (Esper 1805‑1814) [SEM]
Jap‑BerS‑SCal,NAtl; littoral; [Myxilla rosacea Lambe 1893; Myxilla barentsiLambe 1895]
Myxilla lacunosa Lambe 1893 [SEM]
Aleut‑BC; shallow [in subgenus Burtonanchora per Systema Porifera p. 613]
Plocamiancora igzo (de Laubenfels 1932)
BC, CCal‑Mex; littoral; [Plocamia, Plocamissa] *Houston-Stewart Channel, Q. Ch. Is., BC:WCA
Stelotrochota hartmani Bakus 1966 [SEM]
BC‑Wash; shallow; *Jervis Inlet, BC:WCA/BO* [Ectyonopsis per Systema Porifera p. 603]
Family Phellodermidae
Phelloderma bruuni (Levi 1964)
SAlask, SPac; deep [Abyssocladia]
Family Phoriospongiidae
Family Tedaniidae [in Myxillidae by some]
Tedania fragilis Lambe 1895 [SEM]
NWPac‑Alask‑Wash; shallow
Tedania gurjanovae Koltun 1958 [SEM]
NWPac, BC‑Wash; shallow; *Mendocino State Pk, Cal:WCA/WLee*
Tedania species cf. microrhaphidiophora Burton 1935 [SEM]
Alask‑BC; shallow; *Howe Sd, BC:WCA/BO*
Tedania obscurata (de Laubenfels 1930)
Wash, CCal ; Littoral [Tedanione]
Family Acarnidae [incl. Iophonidae ]
Acarnus erithaceus de Laubenfels 1927 [SEM]
SAlask‑GulfCal; littoral; *Forester 1, Alaska:WCA/BO*
Iophon chelifer Ridley & Dendy 1886 var. californiana de Laubenfels 1932) [SEM]
BC‑SCal; shallow; [I. pattersoni OF Bakus 1966 in NEPac]
Iophon piceus (Vosmaer 1881) var. pacifica Koltun 1958 [SEM]
NWPac, BC; shallow; *Canoe Islet, BC:WCA/BO*
Wigginsia wigginsi? de Laubenfels 1953 [SEM]
BC; shallow; *Dixon Entrance, BC:WCA/BO*
Family Microcionidae [including Clathriidae, Ophlitaspongidae]
Anaata brepha de Laubenfels 1930
BC-CCal; littoral; [in Clathria per Systema Porifera p. 440]; Jervis Inlet, BC:WCA/BO*
Anaata spongigartina de Laubenfels 1930 [SEM]
BC,CCal; littoral; [in Clathria per Systema Porifera p. 440]; Anthony I. BC:WCA/BO*
Antho (Acarnia) karykina (de Laubenfels 1927) [SEM]
BC‑SCal; [Plocamia] littoral; *Anthony 1, BC:WCA/BO*
Antho species cf. Plocamia cf ambigua (Bowerbank, 1866)
BC, deep *Hecate Strait, BC sta. 5: WCA
Antho (Acarnia) illgi (Bakus 1966) [SEM]
BC‑SCal; littoral; [Plocamilla][Louis Creek, BC:WCA/BO*
Antho (Antho) jia (de Laubenfels 1930)
CCal; deep [Jia]
Antho (Acarnia) lambei (Burton 1935) [SEM]
BC‑SCal; littoral; [Plocamia manaarensis of Lambe 1895; Plocamilla zimmeri Bakus 1966]
Antho (antho) lithophoenix (de Laubenfels 1927)
C‑SCal; littoral; [Isociona; Plocamia]
Anthoarcuata graceae Bakus 1966 [SEM]
BC‑Wash,CCal; shallow; [Burtonanchora lacunosa OF de Laubenfels; in Antho per Systema Porifera p. 456]; *Carmel Bay, Cal:WCA/WLee*
Artemisina archegona Ristau 1978
CCal; shallow
Axocielita originalis (de Laubenfels 1930)
SAlask-BC‑BajaCal; littoral; [Esperiopsis; Axocielita hartmani Simpson 1966; in Clathria by some] *Smith I, Alask:WCA*
Clathria species of Hartman 1975
CCal; littoral
?Dictyociona asodes (de Laubenfels 1930)
BC,CCal; littoral; [Eurypon; Holorodesmia; Hymedesmia; Leptoclathria; in Clathria per Systema Porifera p. 437] *Anthony I, BC:WCA *
Microciona microjoanna de Laubenfels 1930
Wash,C‑SCal; littoral [in Clathria per Systema Porifera p. 440]
Microciona parthena de Laubenfels 1930 [SEM]
C-SCal; littoral [in Clathria per Systema Porifera p. 440]
Microciona primitiva Koltun 1955
BC,BerS; shallow; [in Clathria per Systema Porifera p. 440] *Knight Inlet, BC:WCA/BO*
Microciona prolifera (Ellis & Solander 1786) [SEM]
Intro Wash, CCal; Atl; littoral; [in Clathria per Systema Porifera p. 440] *Willapa Bay, Wash:J Carlton*
Ophlitaspongia pennata (Lambe 1895)
NWPac, BC‑SCal-Mex; littoral; [Desmacella; Biemna; Tylodesma, in Echinoclathria per Systema Porifera p. 467]
Thalysias laevigata (Lambe 1893)
BC,Jap; shallow; [Clathria (laevigata) per systema porifera p. 447]
?Wilsonella pseudonapya de Laubenfels 1930
CCal; littoral [Clathriopsamma; in Clathria per Systema Porifera p. 439]
Family Raspailiidae [including Euryponidae]
Eurypon sp. cf. clavata (Bowerbank 1874)
BC; shallow; *Saanich Inlet, BC:WCA/BO*
Eurypon? species
BC; shallow; *Jervis Inlet, BC:WCA/BO*
Hemectyon hyle de Laubenfels 1930 [SEM]
BC, SCal‑Mex; shallow; [in Endectyon per Systema Porif. p. 485] *Flamingo Inlet, BC:WCA/BO*
Hymeraphia stellifera Bowerbank 1866 [SEM]
BC, NAtl; shallow; *off Moreton I, BC:WCA/BO*
Tricheurypon species
Cobb Sea Mount 290m [in Euypon per Systema Porifera p.488]
Family Rhabderemiidae
Suborder LATRUNCULINA [per Porifera Systema 2002; in Hadromerida by some]
Family Latrunculiidae
Latrunculia (Biannulata) austini Samaai & Gibbons, Kelly 2006
BC; shallow; *Jervis Inlet, BC:WCA/BO*
Latrunculia species cf. tricincta Hentschel 1929 [SEM]
Wash; deep; *Endeavor Ridge, off Wash:WCA/BO*
Order HAPLOSCLERIDA [undergoing major revisions which not all reflected below at this time]
Family Calcifibrospongidae
Family Callyspongiidae [in Chalinidae by some]
Family Chalinidae [incl. Haliclonidae, Renieridae, Adociidae]
Adocia dubia Ristau 1978
NCal; littoral [Haliclona (Haliclona) per Systema Porifera p. 863]
Adocia gellindra (de Laubenfels 1932
BC‑Mex; littoral; [Haliclona (Halichoclona) per Systema Porifera p. 862];
*Execution Rock, BC:WCA/BO*
?Adocia species cf. Reniera foraminosa Topsent 1904
BC; littoral; *Jervis Inlet, BC:WCA/BO* [Haliclona (Haliclona) per Systema Porifera p. 863]
Cladocroce species cf. gaussiana(Hentschel 1914)
BC; shallow; *Dixon Entrance, BC:WCA/BO* [Toxiclona]
Haliclona ecbasisde Laubenfels 1930
SCal; littoral; [Acervochalina; non H. ecbasis of Fell 1970]
Haliclona oculata (Pallas 1766)
Alask‑BC; shallow; *Ucluelet, BC:WCA/BO*
Haliclona species A (of Hartman 1975) [SEM]
SAlask-BC‑SCal; littoral; [H. permollis OF Hartman 1954, OF de Laubenfels 1961 Haliclona (Reniera cinerea per Systema Porifera p. 868] *Smith I, Alask:WCA
Haliclona species B (of Hartman 1975)
BC, CCal; littoral; [=? Haliclona ecbasis OF Fell 1970, non de Laubenfels 19301 *Tsawwassen, BC: BO
Haliclona species cf. loosanoffi Hartman 1958
BC, littoral *Gibralter I, BC:WCA [Chalinula be some]
Orina species cf. Gellius ravus Stephens 1912
BC; littoral; *Ross Islets, BC:WCA/BO* [Haliclona (Gellius) per Systema Porifera p. 859]
Prianos problematicus de Laubenfels 1930 [SEM]
CCal; shallow [in Haliclona (Reniera) per Systema Porifera p. 867 ]
Prianos species aff. problematicus de Laubenfels 1930 in Haliclona (Reniera) per
Systema Porifera p. 867]; BC; shallow; *Self Point, Barkley Sd., BC:WCA/BO*
Reniera mollis Lambe 1893 [SEM]
BC; littoral [Haliclona (Reniera) per Systema Porifera]
Reniera rufescens Lambe 1893 [SEM]
NWPac‑Alask; shallow
Reniera species A of Hartman 1975 [SEM]
BC. CCal; littoral [may = Adocia gellindra in part]
Reniera species B of Hartman 1975
BC,CCal; littoral; *Execution Rock BC:WCA/BO*
Reniera species C
BC; shallow; *Meandering form, Jervis, BC:WCA/BO*
Reniera species D
BC; shallow; *on Hinnites, Str. Georgia, BC:WCA*
Sigmadocia edaphus (de Laubenfels 1930) [SEM]
BC‑GulfCal; littoral; [Haliclona (Gellius) per Systema Porifera p. 859] *Execution Rock, BC:WCA/BD*
Sigmadocia porosa Fristedt 1887
BerS‑BC,Atl; shallow; [Haliclona (Gellius) per Systema Porifera p. 859] *Observatory Inlet, BC:WCA/BO*
Sigmadocia textapatina (de Laubenfels 1930) [SEM]
CCal; deep; [Haliclona (Gellius) per Systema Porifera p. 859]
Sigmadocia species cf. fibulatus var. microsigma (Dendy 1916)
BC; littoral; [Haliclona (Gellius) per Systema Porifera p. 859] *George Fraser I., BC:WCA/BO*
Sigmadocia species of Hartman 1975
BC?, CCal; littoral; [Haliclona (Gellius) per Systema Porifera p. 859] *Horseshoe Bay, BC:WCA/BO*
Toxidocia borealis (Lambe 1894) [SEM]
Jap‑Alask; shallow; [Toxochalina; Gellius; Patuloscula [Haliclona (Reniera) per Systema Porifera p. 867]
Toxidocia zumi Ristau 1978
C‑SCal; shallow [Haliclona (Reniera) per Systema Porifera p. 867]
Toxidocia species of Hartman 1975
CCal; littoral [Haliclona (Reniera) per Systema Porifera p. 867]
Toxidocia species A [SEM]
BC; shallow; [Haliclona (Reniera) per Systema Porifera p. 867] *Dixon Entrance, BC:WCA/BO*
Toxidocia species C
BC; deep; [Haliclona (Reniera) per Systema Porifera p. 867] *Saanich Inlet, BC:WCA/BO*
Family Niphatidae [in Haliclonidae by some]
Pachychalina species cf. Haliclona lunisimilis de Laubenfels 1930 [SEM]
BC; shallow; *Jervis Inlet, BC:WCA/BO*
Pachychalina species
BC; shallow *Globose form, Edward King 1, BC:WCA/BO*
Pachychalina species cf. schmidti (Lundbeck 1902)
BC; shallow; *Egmont, BC:WCA/80*
Family Petrosiidae [Nepheliospongiidae; in Haliclonidae by some]
Densa species?
BC; shallow; *Pt. Upwood, BC:WCA/BO* [in genus Xestospongia per Systema Porifera p. 916]
Neopetrosia vanilla (de Laubenfels 1930) [SEM]
BC‑BajaCal; littoral; [Xestospongia Haliclona]l; *Execution Rock BC:WCA/BO*
Xestospongia diprosopia (de Laubenfels 1930)
CCal; deep; [Haliclona may = X. coralloides Dendy 1924]
Xestospongia trindanea Ristau 1978
BC‑CCal; littoral; *Masterman I, BC:WCA/BO*
Xestospongia hispida (Ridley & Dandy 1886) OF Lambe 1895
SAlask; [Petrosia; =?X. trindanea Ristau 1978]
Family Phloeodictyidae [including Oceanapiidae]
Calyx new species
BC; shallow; *Edward King I, BC; shallow, N. McDaniel
Oceanapia new species
BC, shallow [Phloeodictyon] *Execution Rock Cave, BC: WCA
Family Dysideidae [may be transferred to Dendroceratida per P. Berquist]
Dysidea amblia de Laubenfels 1930
C–S Cal; littoral
Dysidea fragilis (Montagu 1818)
BC; nearly Cosmo; littoral; *Execution Rock, BC:WCA*
Pleraplysilla new species
BC; littoral; *Botanical Beach, BC: WCA* [white/ivory form of Aplysilla glacialis of authors in NE Pacific [in Pleraplysilla based on foreign material in the fibers]
Family Irciniidae
Family Spongiidae
Family Thorectidae
Luffariella idea (de Laubenfels 1932)
CCal; littoral; [Spongia, Leiosella]. [The combined characters of: absence of dermal armor; primary but not secondary fibers filled with foreign material; and a tertiary fiber skeleton fit the diagnosis for the genus Luffariella]
Family Darwinellidae (Aplysillidae)
Aplysilla new species (Merejkowsky 1878)
Alask‑CCal ,N Atl, Australia , S Am; littoral, [Aplysilla glacialis of authors in NE Pacific]
Chelonaplysilla polyraphis (de Laubenfels 1930)
BC‑SCal, WPac; littoral; *Checleset Bay, BC:WCA* [transfer to Chelonaplysilla based on presence of foreign material forming a reticulation in cortex; spicules rather than sand grains are the source]
Family Dictyodendrillidae
Spongionella new species
NCal, Oreg, BC, littoral
Family Halisarcidae
Halisarca sacra de Laubenfels 1930
BC‑SCal; littoral; [may = H. dujardini Johnson 18421; *Portland Canal, BC:WCA*
Family Aplysinellidae
Family Aplysinidae
Family Ianthellidae?
Hexadella new species
BC; shallow; *Jervis Inlet, BC:WCA*
Family Pseudoceratinidae
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