Emerita analoga  (Mole crab)Description: Example of accidental or casual occurrences; periodically appears on outer coast beaches then dies out

Emerita analoga  
(Mole crab)

Description: Example of accidental or casual occurrences; periodically appears on outer coast beaches then dies out

Ophioplocus esmarki  (Husky tan serpent star)Description: Possible disjunct distribution. One record at entrance to Quatsino Sound [NW region of Vancouver Island]; other wise known from central California and southward.

Ophioplocus esmarki  
(Husky tan serpent star)

Description: Possible disjunct distribution. One record at entrance to Quatsino Sound [NW region of Vancouver Island]; other wise known from central California and southward.

Macrocystis pyrifera  (Giant kelp)Description: Ophioplocus might be a hitchiker in dislodged kelp holdfast

Macrocystis pyrifera  
(Giant kelp)

Description: Ophioplocus might be a hitchiker in dislodged kelp holdfast

Ophiopteris papillosa  (Brown spiny brittle star)Description: Possible disjunct distribution. Occurs in Barkley Sound, SW region of Vancouver Island but otherwise recorded from central California south plus possible record in southern…

Ophiopteris papillosa  
(Brown spiny brittle star)

Description: Possible disjunct distribution. Occurs in Barkley Sound, SW region of Vancouver Island but otherwise recorded from central California south plus possible record in southern Oregon.

Rhamphidonta retifera  (Walking clam)Description: Possible disjunct distribution. Two records in B.C. and one(?) record in California

Rhamphidonta retifera  (Walking clam)

Description: Possible disjunct distribution. Two records in B.C. and one(?) record in California

Flabellina iodinea  (Spanish shawl sea slug)Description: Possible disjunct distribution; one record in Esperanza Inlet [NW coast of Vancouver Island; otherwise from California

Flabellina iodinea  
(Spanish shawl sea slug)

Description: Possible disjunct distribution; one record in Esperanza Inlet [NW coast of Vancouver Island; otherwise from California

Hymenamphiastra cyanocrypta  (Blue encrusting sponge)Description: Possible disjunct distribution. Two records in Barkley Sound, one record in Queen Charlotte Islands, otherwise from California + 1 possible record southern Oregon.

Hymenamphiastra cyanocrypta  
(Blue encrusting sponge)

Description: Possible disjunct distribution. Two records in Barkley Sound, one record in Queen Charlotte Islands, otherwise from California + 1 possible record southern Oregon.

Chelonaplysilla polyraphis  (Purple slippery sponge)Description: Possible disjunct distribution. Caves on west coast Vancouver Island + subtidal in Queen Charlotte Islands. Otherwise from central California south

Chelonaplysilla polyraphis  
(Purple slippery sponge)

Description: Possible disjunct distribution. Caves on west coast Vancouver Island + subtidal in Queen Charlotte Islands. Otherwise from central California south

Hoploplana californica  (Knobby flatworm)Description: Possible disjunct distribution; one record subtidal in Barkley Sound; otherwise from California

Hoploplana californica  
(Knobby flatworm)

Description: Possible disjunct distribution; one record subtidal in Barkley Sound; otherwise from California

Calliostoma bernardi(Beaded white top shell)Description: Possible disjunct distribution &/or rare 1 record in Strait of Georgia, 1 record in California

Calliostoma bernardi
(Beaded white top shell)

Description: Possible disjunct distribution &/or rare 1 record in Strait of Georgia, 1 record in California

Calliostoma platinum(Similar species)Description: Moderately common and quite similar to C. barnardi with which it may be confused.

Calliostoma platinum
(Similar species)

Description: Moderately common and quite similar to C. barnardi with which it may be confused.

Mursia gaudichaudi  (Laterally spined crab)Description: Moderately common and quite similar to C. barnardi with which it may be confused.

Mursia gaudichaudi  
(Laterally spined crab)

Description: Moderately common and quite similar to C. barnardi with which it may be confused.

Arctomelon stearnsi(Alaskan volute)Description: At edge of range in Dixon Entrance. Otherwise in Alaska

Arctomelon stearnsi
(Alaskan volute)

Description: At edge of range in Dixon Entrance. Otherwise in Alaska

Ceremaster arcticus(Arctic cookie star)Description: At edge of range in northern BC fjords + Race Rocks in Strait of Juan de Fuca. Otherwise in Alaska.

Ceremaster arcticus
(Arctic cookie star)

Description: At edge of range in northern BC fjords + Race Rocks in Strait of Juan de Fuca. Otherwise in Alaska.

Lebbeus polaris  (Polar lebbeid shrimp)Description: At edge of range in northern BC fjord. Otherwise in Alaska.

Lebbeus polaris  (Polar lebbeid shrimp)

Description: At edge of range in northern BC fjord. Otherwise in Alaska.

Spinther ?alaskensis(Grub-like sponge worm)Description: Two specimens recorded in BC.

Spinther ?alaskensis
(Grub-like sponge worm)

Description: Two specimens recorded in BC.

Pentamera trachyplaca(Fat pentamera)Description: Four localities in BC plus in California.

Pentamera trachyplaca
(Fat pentamera)

Description: Four localities in BC plus in California.

hyonidium kurilensis(Purple tentacled sea cucumber)Description: Rare, Spieden I Washington, Alert Bay, BC. + Alaska.

hyonidium kurilensis
(Purple tentacled sea cucumber)

Description: Rare, Spieden I Washington, Alert Bay, BC. + Alaska.

Eudistoma purpuropunctatum  (Purple lobular sea squirt)Description: Few records in BC and Washington.

Eudistoma purpuropunctatum  (Purple lobular sea squirt)

Description: Few records in BC and Washington.

Discinisca lamellosa(Smooth tiny lamp shell)Description: Rare, 2 records in BC at 80m, + in SE Pacific, but small and cryptic.

Discinisca lamellosa
(Smooth tiny lamp shell)

Description: Rare, 2 records in BC at 80m, + in SE Pacific, but small and cryptic.

anleyella oldroydi  (Tiny black spotted sea-cradle)Description: 5 records in BC, also in California and Alaska; small & cryptic.

anleyella oldroydi  
(Tiny black spotted sea-cradle)

Description: 5 records in BC, also in California and Alaska; small & cryptic.

Okenia vancouverensis(Vancouver's okenia sea slug)Description: 3 records but small and cryptic.

Okenia vancouverensis
(Vancouver's okenia sea slug)

Description: 3 records but small and cryptic.

Nyctunguis heathii  (Intertidal centipede)Description: This is common in Calif. But is similar in appearance to a marine centipede in BC which has been recorded only once.

Nyctunguis heathii  (Intertidal centipede)

Description: This is common in Calif. But is similar in appearance to a marine centipede in BC which has been recorded only once.

Stylaster sp.(White stubby hydrocoral)Description: This species has been recorded only once at Lane Islet in BC.

Stylaster sp.
(White stubby hydrocoral)

Description: This species has been recorded only once at Lane Islet in BC.

Anidolyta spongotheres(Limpet-like yellow sea slug)Description: This species has been recorded only twice in BC: in Jervis Inlet and off the Queen Charlotte Islands.

Anidolyta spongotheres
(Limpet-like yellow sea slug)

Description: This species has been recorded only twice in BC: in Jervis Inlet and off the Queen Charlotte Islands.

Tubularia sp. (Rasberry solitary hydroid)Description: This species has been recorded only in the Alert Bay area.

Tubularia sp. 
(Rasberry solitary hydroid)

Description: This species has been recorded only in the Alert Bay area.

Cuthona punicea(Pomegranite aeolid sea slug)Description: This species has been recorded only in the Alert Bay area, it is a predator on Tubularia sp.

Cuthona punicea
(Pomegranite aeolid sea slug)

Description: This species has been recorded only in the Alert Bay area, it is a predator on Tubularia sp.

Halichondria aff fibrosa(Thick white felt sponge)Description: This species has been recorded once in Saanich Inlet.

Halichondria aff fibrosa
(Thick white felt sponge)

Description: This species has been recorded once in Saanich Inlet.

Pyura cf tesselata(Brown spot plated sea squirt)Description: Recorded once in Barkley Sound.

Pyura cf tesselata
(Brown spot plated sea squirt)

Description: Recorded once in Barkley Sound.

Synhalcurias sp.(Tall, deep sea anemone)Description: Recorded only in low oxygen regions in Saanich Inlet.

Synhalcurias sp.
(Tall, deep sea anemone)

Description: Recorded only in low oxygen regions in Saanich Inlet.

Megalodicopia hians(Megabyte sea squirt)Description: Few records in BC but also known in e.g., California, Antarctica.

Megalodicopia hians
(Megabyte sea squirt)

Description: Few records in BC but also known in e.g., California, Antarctica.

Megalodicopia hians(Megabyte sea squirt)Description: Close-up

Megalodicopia hians
(Megabyte sea squirt)

Description: Close-up

Megalodicopia hians(Megabyte sea squirt)Description: Specimens at Monterey Bay Aquarium

Megalodicopia hians
(Megabyte sea squirt)

Description: Specimens at Monterey Bay Aquarium

Isadella sp.(Bamboo coral)Description: Rarely recorded but deep in fjords and off shore seamounts.

Isadella sp.
(Bamboo coral)

Description: Rarely recorded but deep in fjords and off shore seamounts.

Isadella sp.(Bamboo coral)Description: Close-up

Isadella sp.
(Bamboo coral)

Description: Close-up

Antedon cf. petasus(Brooding feather star)Description: Two records in northern BC fjords.

Antedon cf. petasus
(Brooding feather star)

Description: Two records in northern BC fjords.

(Sand sponge)Description: 1 individual monitored at 1 site over 20 years.

(Sand sponge)

Description: 1 individual monitored at 1 site over 20 years.

Grantia sp.(Flattened sac sponge)Description: known only from one site.

Grantia sp.
(Flattened sac sponge)

Description: known only from one site.

Pollicipes polymerus(Pacific goose barnacle)escription: This species is common but this particular population is.

Pollicipes polymerus
(Pacific goose barnacle)

escription: This species is common but this particular population is.

Hexactinellid sponges(Six rayed deep sea sponges)Description: Unique site in Strait of Georgia at 16m where dense population on a fiber mat comparable to habitat in Antarctic.

Hexactinellid sponges
(Six rayed deep sea sponges)

Description: Unique site in Strait of Georgia at 16m where dense population on a fiber mat comparable to habitat in Antarctic.

Rhabdocalyptus dawsoni(Boot sponge)Description: Example of one of the hexactinellid sponges.

Rhabdocalyptus dawsoni
(Boot sponge)

Description: Example of one of the hexactinellid sponges.

APHROCALLISTES VASTUS(CLOUD SPONGE)Description: Another hexactinellid sponge at uniquely shallow [5 m] habitat in Seymour Narrows.


Description: Another hexactinellid sponge at uniquely shallow [5 m] habitat in Seymour Narrows.

Heterochone calyx(Vase sponge)Description: One of the dominant hexactinellid sponges in a sponge reef some 10 m high and 9000 years old.

Heterochone calyx
(Vase sponge)

Description: One of the dominant hexactinellid sponges in a sponge reef some 10 m high and 9000 years old.

Glass sponge reefDescription: 10 m high and up to 9000 years old.

Glass sponge reef

Description: 10 m high and up to 9000 years old.

Riftia sp.(Giant gutless plume worm)Description: This is similar to another species occurring on vents of BC.

Riftia sp.
(Giant gutless plume worm)

Description: This is similar to another species occurring on vents of BC.

Lepetodrilus corrugatus(Corrugated limpet)Description: one record from hydrothermal vents off BC

Lepetodrilus corrugatus
(Corrugated limpet)

Description: one record from hydrothermal vents off BC

Sericosura venticola(Vent sea spider)Description: Seen at two hydrothermal vents off BC.

Sericosura venticola
(Vent sea spider)

Description: Seen at two hydrothermal vents off BC.

SACCOGLOSSUS SP.(ORANGE ACORN WORM)Description: Regarded as rare but new records turning up.


Description: Regarded as rare but new records turning up.

Echinorachnius parma(Regular sand dollar)Description: Recorded only from Puget Sound and either extirpated or error in locality data; is common in Atlantic.

Echinorachnius parma
(Regular sand dollar)

Description: Recorded only from Puget Sound and either extirpated or error in locality data; is common in Atlantic.

Pisaster giganteus(Giant spined sea star)Description: One record from Saanich inlet in 1896.

Pisaster giganteus
(Giant spined sea star)

Description: One record from Saanich inlet in 1896.

Pisaster giganteus(Giant spined sea star)Description: Close-up.

Pisaster giganteus
(Giant spined sea star)

Description: Close-up.

Hediste limnicola?(Colourful red nereid)Description: May be introduced into BC; recorded from Lost Lagoon in 1936 and from Saanich Inlet in 1995

Hediste limnicola?
(Colourful red nereid)

Description: May be introduced into BC; recorded from Lost Lagoon in 1936 and from Saanich Inlet in 1995

Cumanotus fernaldi?(Fernald's sea slug)Description: May be introduced into BC; recorded from 3 sites in BC.

Cumanotus fernaldi?
(Fernald's sea slug)

Description: May be introduced into BC; recorded from 3 sites in BC.

Ostrea conchaphila(Native oyster)Description: Example of species which commercially extirpated; dense populations at a few localities

Ostrea conchaphila
(Native oyster)

Description: Example of species which commercially extirpated; dense populations at a few localities

aliotis kamtschatkana(NE Pacific abalone)Description: Example of species which has been commercially extirpated.

aliotis kamtschatkana
(NE Pacific abalone)

Description: Example of species which has been commercially extirpated.