Amphiodia occidentalis
A. occidentalis
close up
Amphiodia periacta
A. periacta
close up
Amphiodia spp.
Amphiodia urtica
Amphiophiura ponderosa
Amphiopholis pugetana
Amphiopholis squamata
Gorgonocephalus eucnemis
Ophiacantha sp.
Ophiopholis aculeata japonica
Ophiothrix spiculata
Ophiura spp.
Amphioplus macraspis
Ophiacantha bathybia
Ophioleuce oxycraspedon
Ophiopholis bakeri
Ophiura luetkeni
Ophiura sarsi
Amphioplus strongyloplax
Ophiacantha catalemmodusi
Ophiopholis aculeata
Ophioplocus esmarki
Ophiura luetkeni jaws closed
4-arm anomaly
Asteronyx loveni
Ophiacantha rhacophora
Ophiopholis aculeata 2
Ophiopteris papillosa
Ophiura luetkeni jaws open
Disc regeneration
For more information on identification and natural history of these brittle stars see: LAMBERT, P. & AUSTIN, W.C. (2007) Brittle Stars, Sea Urchins andFeather Stars of British Columbia , Southeast Alaska and Puget Sound . Royal B.C. Museum . Handbook Series. 150p